Winter Activity on Lake Stonycreek
Please be advised that the SVDC does not test or monitor the depth of the lake ice. Nor does our Safety Patrol monitor lake activities during the winter months. Anyone engaging in activities on the ice does so at his/her own risk.
SVDC Board of Directors

SVDC Meeting Video - January 17, 2025
Go to Governance, SVDC Meeting Videos to view the current SVDC Board Meeting. Our Meetings are held on the 3rd Friday of the month, We are limited to 2 hours of video on the website.

Need Another Boat Permit Application Form? Go to Rules & Regulations, Watercraft Permits and click on the link.

Next SVDC Board Meeting: Friday, February 21st 6:00 p.m. @ St. Mark Lutheran Church, Shanksville.
The meeting will be live streamed via Zoom.
Go to Governance, SVDC Meetings for Agenda & Zoom Sign-in Information
Lake Stonycreek Website Access
If you are a Lake Stonycreek lot owner, please create a member account by clicking on the Sign In button. Once confirmed by the website administrator, you can access additional pages on the site using your user name and password.

Lake Stonycreek Lot Owners Association
The Lake Stonycreek Lot Owners Association (LSLOA) is an independent social club, not operating under the auspices of the Stonycreek Valley Development Corporation (SVDC). For clarification, the role of the Lake Stonycreek Lot Owners Association should not be confused with the governance role of a “homeowners association” (HOA) which lot owners may be familiar with in other communities. At Lake Stonycreek, the administrative governance role is held by the SVDC.
Stonycreek Valley Development Corporation (SVDC)
P.O. Box 237
Shanksville, PA 15560